Analyze the Planetary Aspects of Love Marriage in Your Horoscope
According to astrology, the planetary aspects and placements have a major influence on the possibility of a love marriage. Important markers are the positions of the lords of the second, fifth, seventh, and eleventh houses. The strong romantic potential is suggested by favourable astrological alignments or transits involving these houses, according to our astrologer for love marriage.
In particular, there is a chance for love marriage if these house lords are positioned next to one another in favourable Kundali locations. Venus can significantly raise the chance of a love marriage when it is in the 1st, 10th, 7th, or 8th house. Venus, Saturn, or Rahu in the 7th house increases the likelihood of a love marriage.
Additionally, a good yoga for a love marriage is created if Rahu or Ketu are in exalted signs of the fifth house lord. Accurate forecasts depend on the relationship—associations, aspects, and Rashi exchanges—between the lords of the 5th and 7th houses. The likelihood of a love marriage improves if these lords are retrograde or stronger than the ascendant’s ruler.
Strong love marriage chances are also suggested by connections between the Moon and active Dashas in the 2nd, 5th, or 11th houses. Gaining more insight into these possibilities may be achieved by speaking with our love problem expert astrologer in Tasmania.